Dental Cleanings and Exams
in Searcy, AR

Dental cleanings and exams are a type of general dentistry that takes preemptive action against the development of plaque, cavities, and other oral complications. Regular dental cleanings and exams allow your dentist the opportunity to monitor your oral health and help you take steps to protect it. A dentist cleaning your teeth is more thorough than your daily at-home cleaning and reinforces your oral care routine. If you need a dental exam or cleaning, call Neaville Family Dentistry today to schedule!

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Does a dental exam include cleaning?

Under most circumstances, a dental exam comes coupled with a cleaning. However, there are times when your dentist may wish to perform an exam that doesn’t require a cleaning. This can commonly happen if you’re experiencing discomfort or pain between cleanings. Your dentist will likely schedule an exam only to try to discover the source of your discomfort.

How long does a dental check-up take?

Most check-ups take around 45 minutes to complete. Your exam may take more or less time, depending on how long it’s been since your last visit or if they discover something that requires further examination and imaging.

How often should you get a teeth cleaning and exam?

Most patients need a check-up around every six months. However, you may require more frequent cleanings if you have significant build-up or gum disease. Staying on top of your cleanings can help reduce how often you need to see your dentist for cleanings.

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